
Sustainable Marketing: The impact of ECO messages on our brains

Businesses the world over are taking steps in contributing to a more sustainable future for humanity. However, communicating sustainability has proven to be more challenging for businesses since the traditional ways of corporate communications seem not to work as expected. The main problem is that issues of sustainability go beyond usual consumer/buyer concerns since they touch deeper emotional and cognitive models that people’s brains hold for society, life and the future.

Dr. Dimitriadis, Dr. Alevizou and Dr. Ketikidi are using neuroscience and other modern approaches to explain and showcase how communications should be shaped to achieve the highest possible impact in serving sustainability goals. They will present concepts and studies on how the brain decodes reality and evaluates information, best and worst practices in sustainability communications and how the application of neuro-tech can provide real value in analyzing people’s perception of sustainable messages. They will use examples from many industries, and especially from the world of fashion. 

Participants will:

  • Understand the current state and challenges of sustainability communications and marketing.
  • Develop a model of how our brains construct reality.
  • Learn the ways by which our brains build trust and believe, or reject, information.
  • Examine how new methods, such as neuro-tech, help brands uncover real perceptions of sustainability messages. 

Optimal HR Group

Nikolaos Dimitriadis

Nikolaos Dimitriadis je večkrat nagrajeni strokovnjak za komunikacije, avtor knjig, izobraževalec in svetovalec. Je vodja nevro svetovalnih storitev v podjetju Optimal HR Group. Doktoriral je na Univerzi v Sheffieldu in pridobil naziv MBA ter je certificiran nevromarketer. Redno poučuje na različnih študijskih programih MBA ter drugih univerzitetnih in podjetniških programih po vsem svetu. Dr. Dimitriadis je predsednik odbora za ljudi pri Svetovnem inštitutu za inovacije in upravljanje sprememb v Ženevi. Je profesor prakse na Univerzi v Yorku, Evropski kampus v Grčiji, kjer vodi magistrski študij nevromarketinga. Je soustanovitelj grškega kluba za uporabno nevroznanost Neurogenesis. Je tudi gostujoči profesor na Ekonomsko-poslovni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Dr. Dimitriadis je nedavno pomagal zagnati, pionirsko zagonsko podjetje s sedežem v Belgiji na področju tehnologije čustvenega in duševnega zdravja pri delu. Dr. Dimitriadis je prejel grško nagrado za odličnost leta 2022, ki jo podeljuje Helenic Institute for Customer Service. Na festivalu TEDx je govoril o nujni potrebi po komunikaciji, ki temelji na možganih, in sodeloval pri programu NeuroMarketing Manager na hamburški šoli za medije. Dr. Dimitriadis je za potrebe nevromarketinga, nevroHR in akademske namene skeniral več kot 7. 500 možganov iz 25 držav po vsem svetu. Sodeloval je z mednarodnimi blagovnimi znamkami, kot so IKEA, IBM, JTI, Nestle, Johnson&Johnson, AstraZeneca, CISCO, SAP, Pierre Fabre, Coca Cola, T-Mobile, Dixons, Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, Societe Generale, Unicredit, Microsoft, VMware, Raiffeisen Bank, SAP, DELL, USAID in drugimi.

Sheffield University Management School

Panayiota Alevizou

Dr Panayiota Alevizou is a Lecturer in Marketing at the Sheffield University Management School. She is the Programme Director for MSc Marketing Management Practice. Her research focuses on sustainability communications, eco-labelling and food consumption. Panayiota has published in journals such as Sociology, the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Behavior. She is co-chair of the Sustainability Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Academy of Marketing. She has co- authored/co-edited three books and her research has been funded by the British Academy and the Food Standards Agency (UK).

CITY College, University of York Europe Campus & New Bulgarian University

Elina Ketikidi Gerakis

Dr. Elina Ketikidi Gerakis currently holds the position of a Lecturer in Management at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus & New Bulgarian University, while also is the Neuromarketing Ethics Coordinator at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus. At CITY College, University of York Europe Campus she is also leading the Applied Neuroscience Lab. With a strong academic foundation from Management School, The University of Sheffield, where she pursued her Ph.D. in Social Sciences. The focus of her Ph.D. thesis was on millennials visual attention towards social media posts regarding sustainability in fashion, which has been explored through the lenses of an eye tracker. Dr. Ketikidi Gerakis is the Dissemination & Communication Manager at the South-East European Research Centre (SEERC). In the past she was a Digital Account Executive at the multinational advertising company MullenLowe Athens. She has previously worked as Social Media Marketing Consultant at The Fashion Revolution Foundation. Driven by her passion for Sustainable Fashion, Digital Marketing, and Neuromarketing, Dr. Ketikidi Gerakis continues to make meaningful contributions in academia, industry, and societal endeavors, bridging the gap between research, marketing innovation, and ethical practices.




Osrednji govorniki in diskusije

Osrednji govorniki in diskusije

Novi trendi in globalno znanje

Novi trendi in globalno znanje

Primeri dobre prakse

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Interaktivne delavnice

Interaktivne delavnice


Individualna kotizacija za podjetja

440 352 EUR (brez DDV)

Individualna kotizacija za fizične osebe

290 232 EUR (brez DDV)

Paket 5ka – od 5 do 9 udeležencev iz istega podjetja

380 304 EUR (brez DDV) / osebo

Paket 10ka – 10 ali več udeležencev iz istega podjetja

350 280 EUR (brez DDV) / osebo

Za več informacij o skupinskih prijavah nam pišite na

Za odpovedi po 8. marcu 2024 ni mogoče zagotoviti povračila. V primeru neudeležbe povračilo kotizacije ni možno. Izbor delavnic lahko spremenite najkasneje do 8. marca 2023.

*DDV ni vključen v ceno.

Pomembne informacije o vaši prijavi

Pomembne informacije

Če želite prijaviti več udeležencev, izpolnite vlogo za vsakega udeleženca posebej.

PRIJAVA je odprta do zapolnitve vseh mest. Po izpolnitvi prijavnega obrazca boste prejeli potrditev o prijavi s povzetkom izbranih delavnic na vaš e-poštni naslov.

ODPOVEDI so vračljive do 8. marca 2024. Po tem datumu se zaračunajo vse pristojbine. Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.

V primeru odjave po 8. marcu 2024 povračilo kotizacije ni več možno, kot tudi ne v primeru, da ste prijavljeni in se programa ne udeležite.

PLAČILO: Račun bo izdan v dveh tednih po dogodku.



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