We are striving to become a company that has a net positive impact on society. This ambition starts with researching, developing, and commercializing less harmful alternatives to cigarettes for those adults who otherwise would continue to smoke, ultimately allowing us to phase out cigarettes.
Sustainability stands at the core of PMI’s transformation and helps address some of the challenges resulting from the transition, while spurring innovation and better positioning the company for success over the long haul.
Our approach is composed of eight impact-driven strategies connected to our 2025 Roadmap Goals. Our ESG KPI Protocol brings concrete measurements of progress, and clear governance and accountability structures. We have also introduced a Sustainability Index that lets us integrate ESG performance into long-term executive compensation in a strategic and credible manner.
Sheffield University Management School
Dr Panayiota Alevizou is a Lecturer in Marketing at the Sheffield University Management School. She is the Programme Director for MSc Marketing Management Practice. Her research focuses on sustainability communications, eco-labelling and food consumption. Panayiota has published in journals such as Sociology, the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Consumer Behavior. She is co-chair of the Sustainability Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Academy of Marketing. She has co- authored/co-edited three books and her research has been funded by the British Academy and the Food Standards Agency (UK).
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Za odpovedi po 8. marcu 2024 ni mogoče zagotoviti povračila. V primeru neudeležbe povračilo kotizacije ni možno. Izbor delavnic lahko spremenite najkasneje do 8. marca 2023.
*DDV ni vključen v ceno.
Če želite prijaviti več udeležencev, izpolnite vlogo za vsakega udeleženca posebej.
PRIJAVA je odprta do zapolnitve vseh mest. Po izpolnitvi prijavnega obrazca boste prejeli potrditev o prijavi s povzetkom izbranih delavnic na vaš e-poštni naslov.
ODPOVEDI so vračljive do 8. marca 2024. Po tem datumu se zaračunajo vse pristojbine. Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.
V primeru odjave po 8. marcu 2024 povračilo kotizacije ni več možno, kot tudi ne v primeru, da ste prijavljeni in se programa ne udeležite.
PLAČILO: Račun bo izdan v dveh tednih po dogodku.